GO RED this Friday


Today I want to use this platform to remind you about National Wear RED Day, this Friday, February 4th. It’s an annual celebration held on the first Friday in February to increase awareness about women’s heart health. This day serves as a catalyst for bringing about change to improve the lives of women globally.

Don’t be fooled… heart disease is not just a man’s disease. 1 in 3 women dies of heart disease and stroke each year. It’s still the leading cause of death in women & more women die from it than ALLcancers combined! 😳

So, join us this Friday by sporting your favorite shade(s) of RED in support of women around the globe who have either lost their fight or are still on the front lines fighting to bring about change. 

If you're a part of social media, please post a picture of yourself adorned in RED, (TAG me in the pic) & don't forget to use one or all of the hashtags below:






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