The Importance of Movement


Recently, my niece and I were discussing the dangers of living a sedentary lifestyle and getting little to no daily movement. Shortly thereafter, I read an article on the Mayo clinic’s website, written by a sports medicine Physician named Andrew Jagim, Ph.D. He stated the following as it relates to MovementIt seems like the simplest thing in the world. Our bodies are designed to run, jump, and manipulate objects, among other miracles of locomotion. But how often do we use our bodies at their full potential?

He further stated that we’ve made sitting into an art form and that excessive sitting is linked with many diseases and conditions, including obesity, hypertension, back pain, cancer, cardiovascular disease, and depression

He suggested some very simplistic ways of incorporating movement into our days: 

  • Use a standing desk when possible.
  • Set a reminder to stand and move at least once per hour.
  • Take a walk over lunch.
  • Walk during phone or conference calls.
  • Park far from store entrances and enjoy your walk to and from.
  • Skip the elevator and use the stairs.
  • Walk around your house when doing routine tasks like brushing your teeth.
  • Take your dog for a long walk once daily.
  • Walk on a treadmill while watching TV.
  • Do yard work, such as mowing your lawn, raking leaves, or planting flowers.

He further suggested that our health gets better with movement, our productivity gets better, and people tend to enjoy their jobs, their lives, and even more. 

Below is a link to the American Heart Association’s website that shares info on how we can move more together. I especially enjoyed the fierce five-minute movement breaks: 

Move More Together | American Heart Association


Mrs. B said…
Good advice by the Dr!
I constantly move, don't want these old bones to get brittle!! 🤣🤣
Thanks Ro!!
Ms. Ro RED said…
Mrs. B iTotally agree🤗

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