You've got to encourage yourself!
Who we are matters and we MUST ALWAYS remember that! I now understand & appreciate how IMPORTANT it is for me to LOVE myself & to LOVE ‘on’ myself. I know the importance of loving and embracing who I AM. I didn’t always realize or acknowledge that for myself. However, I could always encourage others and help them realize that about themselves. It took me, having to go through my own life experiences, to fully begin to embrace this truth for myself.
Several years ago, I had a supervisor who used to always tell me that I had to ‘encourage myself’. I would ask her HOW do I do that? What I now understand is that there are many ways in which a person can encourage themselves. Below are two of my favorites: (1) Speaking life affirming words to & over myself to remind me of who God says that I AM & (2) Receiving encouragement through music.
I’ve learned that even though we might not always believe the positive words that we speak about ourselves, we must continue repeating and affirming them on a consistent basis. When we hear them enough, they start to get inside of our psyche and eventually, we begin to accept them as being OUR truth! It’s so easy for us to forget who we are… especially when life is pushing us around. Therefore, it’s imperative that we practice Encouraging ourselves.
Some words that I use to help Encourage myself: I AM… * Blessed * Prosperous * Redeemed * Forgiven * Talented * Creative * Confident * Secure * Disciplined * Focused * Prepared * Qualified * Motivated * Valuable * Free * Determined * Equipped * Empowered * Anointed * Accepted * &* Approved… NOT Average, NOT Mediocre… I AM a Child of the Most HIGH God!! A Victor NOT a Victim! I have seeds of GREATNESS! My best days are still in front of me. I will become ALL God created me to be in Jesus name! …declaration courtesy of Joel Osteen ministries.
Also, be Blessed by the words of ‘Encourage yourself’ by Donald Lawrence & the Tri City Singers:
It is a joy and a gift to encourage others along the way!!