The REAL Superheroes


The other day something sparked a memory in my mind, related to the Special Olympics & the amazing athletes who compete. 

In my early 20’s, I worked at a facility that cared for individuals with special needs & intellectual disabilities. It was there that I had the opportunity to witness firsthand what it felt like to be part of the help staff that assisted in the Olympic games. If memory serves me correctly, that was my very first time assisting in those events. One could not help but to be overcome with emotion to see the determination and effort the athletes put forth to obtain their medals. They might not have been the fastest person in a competition and their balls might not have been thrown hard or fast enough to even make it over the line. However, everything they did was always done with passion and purpose

What I saw that day would leave a lasting impression in my mind for the rest of my life. Those exceptional athletes knew exactly what they were there for, and each one of them delivered… in their own unique way. They unapologetically allowed themselves to shine in every event, without being intimidated by anyone or anything. As I reflect back on that event and those amazing athletes, I think about how wonderful it would be if we could all model that same level of courage daily, in everything that we do and in all aspects of our lives. 

We can learn a lot from the Special Olympics motto which states… “But if I cannot win, let me be brave in the attempt”.


Virginia said…
You KMOW how much I can relate to your post! The last time George swam at Emory in the Special Olympics GA State Games I had to fortunate opportunity to accompany him down to the bullpen where all the swimmers were waiting for their turn in a heat. I was overcome with emotions as I watched the excitement and nervousness around me. But the prevailing emotion was one of focus and determination. These athletes work hard. And not just physically. There are many who struggle with processing tasks so when you look at a Special Olympian you are watching a person who has practiced the sequencing of a stroke, the timing between a kick and a breath. You are watching a person made in God’s image motivated by desire to be the very best they can be. Thank you for bring awareness to these athletes and the heart that is on display for others to see and yes, at times envy.
Ms. Ro RED said…
Yessss Virginia🤗😘🤗
Mrs. B said…

Perseverance and Determination! God bless them!
Unknown said…
Well said. No matter how bad things have been for me since my injury, I don’t have to look for to see someone who is suffering more than myself in one way or another. Special Olympics is such an encouragement.

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