Maintaining a Laser Focus

This past Memorial Day weekend I was blessed to be part of an Awesome celebration for several young scholars. They all reminded me that when you have laser focus, you can accomplish anything that you put your mind to. With the permission of one of those individuals, I wanted to share his achievements because I don’t remember if I’ve ever seen so many awards on one person. When I took the opportunity to pull him aside and talk to him, I asked what each of the graduation honor cords & medals represented. He explained the following:

His Gold cord represented his 4.0 GPA in Science; The Pink represented his involvement in the symphonic orchestra for 4 years; The Red represented his 3.75 or higher GPA in Foreign Language, (which he went all the way to Spanish 5); The Black/Red/White cord represented the school colors and that he had served in the Student Council for straight 4 years; The Light Blue cord represented his 4.0 GPA & higher in Math class; The Purple represented his 4.0 & higher in Language Arts class; The Rainbow cord represented his involvement in (APPL) & achieving above an I-3 Intermediate level in Spanish… (and those were just the cords). He also wore several Medals which all represented more achievements. 

He wore the Summa Cum Laude medal (which represents the Highest of Honors for students in the top one to five percent of a class or who holds a GPA between 3.9 & 4.0); The Falcon Flight award (represents a Teacher’s pick of one student who shows Leadership in class); The medal for Varsity cross country & Track; A State medal for Track (4 by 4 for the 400 meter relay) & A medal for the State zone ensemble for a cello duet. 

I was very proud of this young Man and wanted to take the opportunity to find out why he was so decorated. After he explained his cords and medals to me, I said to him, “Wow! You were totally focused”. His reply to me with a bright smile on his face was, Yes Ma’am, That’s what I was there for”. Yesssss!!! He knew exactly what he was there for and exactly what he wanted to accomplish & he got it done! It just reminded me that no matter what it is we wish to accomplish in life, if we maintain that laser focus on achieving our goals, anything is possible. Anything!!!


Ms. Ro RED said…
Thx for dropping by Mark🤗

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