Eating in response to Emotion


When I had to make changes to my diet, I really wasn’t sure what I needed to do or even how to go about doing it. I knew that my diet needed work, but I wasn’t for sure what that work consisted of. Should I be counting calories and if so… how many calories do I need to consume? I didn’t even know about the importance of keeping a food journal to monitor what I was consuming, and the importance of monitoring my mood when I did eat. I remember being at work one day and someone telling me that they noticed that throughout the day I would, ‘graze’

Wait! What? Really? Could I have been an emotional eater, and if so… what was causing me to be that way?

I know that lots of people eat in response to their emotions but never really take the time to assess those emotions and understand why they do what they do. I found a great article on the verywellfit.comwebsite that explains ways to curb emotional eating. I hope that it helps shed some light on this subject for you, as it did for me. 

How to Curb Emotional Eating (


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