March is National Nutrition Month (Understanding Nutrition Labels)


One of the things that I was never conscious of, before having a heart attack was paying attention to the Nutrition Facts panel on the foods that I purchased. It was only after I was forced to begin looking at what I was putting into my body, did I become interested in focusing on those labels.

When I became intentional about monitoring food labels, it was easier for me to shop for better food choices. I then wanted to know why I shouldn’t consume certain foods. What was it doing to my body? How was it contributing to my heart health? Should I stop eating certain things… was it OK to continue eating certain foods in moderation? I had many questions. As I did my research, it was all so intriguing to me. I felt as if I was learning a new language because a lot of the information seemed so foreign to me. 

During National Nutrition Month, I would like to stress the importance of knowing what you’re putting in your body and the effects it can have on your health. Taking baby steps and working your way through the process of re-educating yourselves concerning your nutrition, can be very beneficial. I started with the Nutrition facts label and from there I began eliminating foods and even finding alternative options with smaller amounts of certain nutrients. 

I learned that shopping the perimeter of the store might help lead to better health because it helps cut down on the number of processed foods purchased, (which are often found in the inner sections of the stores), according to the Sport & Heal website. It describes Perimeter shopping as stores that keep their fresh produce, refrigerated items, and frozen sections on the ‘perimeter’ of their stores which encourages people to consume and purchase more fresh nutrient-dense foods. I certainly did not realize that until I became interested in re-educating myself about my nutrition.

Below is a link that provides very helpful information on how to understand the Nutrition labels. Included in that link are also additional articles to help you learn the basics of nutrition. 

Understanding Food Nutrition Labels | American Heart Association


Mrs. B said…
Hi Ro! Thanks so much for this information. You rock!
Ms. Ro RED said…
😘YW Mrs.B
Thx 4 always stopping by🤗

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