March is National Nutrition Month (Re-educating ourselves about Nutrition)


Thought I’d try something different in 2022 for my blog. Each month of the year is dedicated to one or more health observances. This year I’d like to help inspire you by sharing the gift of health education.  One of the Health observances for the month of March is NUTRITION. So, that’s what I’d like to focus on.

Prior to having a heart attack in 2005, I was not intentionally focused on properly nourishing my body with the right foods. However, there have been many things that I’ve since learned over the years as it relates to proper nutrition & the benefits for my health. I still have a lot to learn and, “NO, I don’t get it right 100% of the time”! However, the difference today is that I take the time to educate myself on the importance of using food & proper nutrition to support & sustain my life.

Funny Story:

I remember years ago I was out to lunch with a friend. We were at a popular restaurant and ended up ordering the same chicken stir-fry dish. When our food came out, my friend commented on how much more food was on my plate as opposed to hers. At that moment in my mind I was thinking, REEEEALLY, you’re kidding me right!? You’re angry because I have more food on my plate? Get over it”!! Here’s the funny part though… I was secretly rejoicing that my plate had more food! HA! How crazy is THAT?? And I know I’m not the only person who’s ever had that thought. I’m just brave enough to share it. LOL!😛

As I look back on that experience, it makes me chuckle. I can honestly say that a lesson learned that day was to always be aware of the foods and the amount that I’m consuming, their nutritional value, and the importance of eating in moderation. I’ve had to gradually make changes and re-educate myself about nutrition, but it’s been well worth the time and effort to learn. 

(I'm sharing the American Heart Association’s website with information about Nutrition Basics): Nutrition Basics | American Heart Association


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