What prevents you from being great?

That’s a great question for us to ask ourselves & to reflect upon. I’ve asked myself this question before, but I didn’t always recognize what the answer was, although it was staring me in the face. I was searching for external solutions that could only be found internally. The answer always found itself coming right back to ME. I was preventing myself from being great!

I would let shyness and timidity play dramatic roles in my life story. They were great actors performing those roles so well, they even had ME convinced that this was who I really was. It seemed that whatever I did and wherever I went, those same roles would present themselves to me as if I couldn’t perform in better ones or didn’t deserve to. So, when they became better Thespians than I was in my own story, I had to break free from those type-casts, so that my greatness could be discovered.

Les Brown, the Motivational speaker said it best when he stated: "If you don't program yourself, life will program you."


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